
Game-changing product
for your parking lot

Parqour is the provider of a smart parking management solution
that integrates any parking hardware
& mobile application to create a completely contactless experience.

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99,6% plate
recognition accuracy

Revenue up
to 2x

3x more cost-effective than industry

480 hours monthly payroll reduction in average

NO upfront fee from client

NO vendor lockin - Interoperable with any hardware and mobile application


Parqour helps digitize parking operations by implementing smart parking technologies and online payment methods. As a result, our partners reduce operational costs, improve customer satisfaction and revenue.

- Pay as you go, appless one click payment methods

- Dashboards with all transactions, vehicles and financial reports

- Admin panel to setup parking rates, rules and restrictions

- Remote control system - no need to have a parking attendant on site

- Capital expenses are turned into operational - Parqour’s solutions can be provided at no charge on a revenue share basis.

- Dynamic pricing, parking zoning and other advanced computer vision based solutions can maximize profit

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fully automated access control

Pay by one click

hardware and sofware Interoperablity


remote control system

dynamic pricing and parking zoning

Safety & security by
video monitoring

fully automated access control

Parqour covers all capital expenses and offers SaaS model on fixed payment basis

Remote control
system - no need to have a parking attendant on site

Seamlessly integrate into any mobile application and any vendor equipment

Admin panel to setup parking rules and restrictions


Parqour improves safety and security by automated permit management based on whitelisting technology.

Only permit holders whose number plates are entered in the system will be able to enter the parking lot.

Temporary guest access approved by residents or tenants removes the need for guest registration by a parking attendant.

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Smart City

Drivers easily can find available parking space.

Payment is comfortable and seamless, and compliance is automatic.

It's an ideal technological solution to allow the public authorities to collect parking payments, organise their parking policy and manage the entire parking environment from a single platform.

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Fully automated

Saving 43% time from
parking search

Reduce CO2

Security and
safety of vehicles

Ticketless &

Detection of parking
violations and

Get in touch now for free consulting

Fill out our contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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